Inspire is an American, English speaking Teeworlds clan, that plays all mods, and ranges from the skill levels of Super-Noob to Uber-Extreme! What is Teeworlds, you ask? Find out here. We are quite a large clan, and we have several servers. You can find a list of those here. The two leaders of the clan are Broken and Ðíƞƞèř(me). We also have several Admins, who have the rcon password in our servers. All of these guys help us out, and regulate/control the servers. You can find all of their names in the motd (message of the day) of any Inspire server. If you would like to join Inspire, you can send and email to Broken or Ðíƞƞèř, ask us in-game, or post an application on the Forum (Going to be completely re-designed soon).